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Bibleworks 10 Software - Comes with Activation Code + 29 Modules (Listed Below)





Tested on Windows Vista/7/8/10 and 11

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  • Amazing Greek and Hebrew Resources.


  • Old and New Testaments combined in one resource.


  • Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew grammars.


  • Instant Deep Information – Simply move the cursor over a word, and a wealth of information is instantly available in the analysis screen

  • You are buying BibleWorks 10 Full Retail Version


  • Comes on USB Flash Drive


  • License and Instructions included


  • Comes with 29 Modules


  • No Box - No Manual

USB Drive - Free Shipping


Instructions Included



  • For Hebrew, BibleWorks 10 comes with both pointed and unpointed versions along with several Aramaic Targums, Syriac versions, and the Samaritan Pentateuch. There is also a tagged Hebrew text of Sirach and three versions of the Hebrew New Testament.


  • The main Hebrew text is the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia which comes from the Leningrad Codex. Scans of the codex themselves are also available in the Analysis Window tagged with verse references.


  • BibleWorks is a powerful tool for working in the original languages regardless of your current level.


  • There are over 75 English texts available in the Browse window. Many of them are Bible versions, but there are also translations of the OT Pseudepigrapha, the NT apocrypha, the apostolic fathers, and a few others.


Load the verse search with English (or any language) with the Greek or Hebrew. Don't know Greek or Hebrew ... no problem ... move the cursor over the Greek or Hebrew word and BW translates the word


Bible maps, Holy Land images: Provides a unique (literally, oblique) perspective of the Holy Land using satellite imagery and multiple angles to show the topography of six different regions. It also includes four grayscale line-maps of the Mediterranean with the various journeys of Paul marked out with arrows.


Bibleworks 10 Includes over two dozen versions of the Greek New Testament compiled by various scholars over the years plus morphologically tagged versions for most, but not all, of them. There are also a few versions of the Apostolic Fathers in Greek as well Greek texts of Josephus, Philo, and the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.


Contains more than 250 Bible translations in 40+ languages, 45 original language texts and morphology databases, 30 lexical-grammatical references, and a wealth of practical reference works.


Extensive Text Search Tools


  • Set Up Your Study Notes 

  • Define Your Study Passage 

  • Identify the Main Message of the Passage 

  • Identify Historical and Cultural Clues in the Passage 

  • Identify and Investigate Textual Variants in the Greek New Testament 

  • Comparing Greek or English Texts 

  • Use Textual Apparatus 

  • Consult Text-Critical Notes 

  • CNTTS apparatus

  • Find, List, and Evaluate Variant Readings 

  • Investigate the Grammar through Greek and Hebrew Grammars



Bibleworks 10 With All 29 Modules


Customer Notes


Tutorial and manual within the program, plus many youtube videos online to guide you through if you're new.

14-day money-back guarantee on this item if it doesn't work. No return if you install, activate it


Bibleworks 29 Modules: All below UNLOCKED The KJV, NIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, NLT, ASV 1901, RSV, NRSV, NJB, NAB, NET, CSB, etc.


Aramaic Peshitta New Testament database
NT Greek Lexicon
Grammer of the new testament biblical Greek
Complete test earliest manuscripts
primer dictionary of the new testament
beginning hebrew grammar
exegetical dictionary of the new testament
griechisch/deutsches taschenworterbuch
Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon
Greek-English Lexicon unabridged
Kompaktworterbuch althebraisch
Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts
Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic
Theological Dictionary of the NT Abridged
Practical Grammer for Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Greek
Dead sea scrolls bible, english
Dead sea scrolls: a New translation
Network Activation
English standard version study bible
English standard version study atlas
Reformed Dogmatics
Systematic Theology
stuttgart original Languages
Works from bible works 1 through to 9
Textual commentary on the Greek NT
Moody bible atlas
New international Version
todays international version
christian standard version
New American Bible
NA27 Nestle-Aland Greek
Theological workbook of the OT
Greek-Englis Lexicon of the Septuagint
Greek Dictionary of the new testament



PMP Exam Prep £35

Data Analysis


Minitab 17 £80

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