This is a General Forums Section, allowing members to discuss any topics of interest. We also use this forum to deal with any product support issues, help questions, sales information, and supporting customers with any other product related queries.
Please display a positive, friendly attitude and be respectful of other's opinions
Your support, questions, knowledge, and feedback relating to our products is of great importance to us, please feel free to post your views and thoughts and help us improve.
Give people a little time to respond to your requests. People are busy and it may take a little time for people to notice and respond to your request. Please be patient.
No Self Promotion - No Advertising - Do not advertise on our website, no marketing links allowed and no link building in posts. Do not say things like "check my site" or "contact me". No posting links to your own content/website/YouTube/shop. Such actions lead to permenant account suspension.
Anything that is considered offensive or malicious will result in an instant account ban. This includes trolling, continuous use of bad language, shaming, hate or toxicity, flaming, baiting, retaliatory comments, system feature abuse, and insulting others.
Avoid political or religious comment unless it is specifically relevant to a topic and in those cases is only acceptable if done in an unbiased manner.
Do not start a thread with just a link, picture or meme, you must add appropriate and meaningful narrative otherwise thread will be deleted.
Don't ask for illegal activities. Thread will be locked or deleted.
Be polite and Constructive, if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all.
Stay on topic, changing the topic won't help the discussion.